The Hummingbird Whisperer
What if modern technology allowed you to eliminate the pain, danger, and discomfort of pregnancy and labor while allowing you the unprecedented blessing of creating your dream child with the the special qualities and genetics of your choosing in a germ free environment inside a transparent growth pod under ideal gestation conditions in a temperature controlled infection free womb with a view?
I Am Consciousness Incarnate
I am consciousness incarnate.
The fact that you just became conscious of me has made you more conscious than you were a moment ago. Your recognition has brought you a heightened awareness of my presence that constitutes an expansion of consciousness. In no more than a few words, this reflection of my existence within you is already bigger than that first moment of acknowledgment.
The Thinning Veil: 13 Twisted Tales
Art imitates life and reflects our human condition which fluctuates from moment to moment along with our ever-changing life experience of the times we live in. The veil between the worlds is thinning and the boundaries have become blurred, bringing more weight to the question; what or where are the boundaries between what we believe to be real and what we imagine?
HOLOGRAPHICOSMIC MAN: The Holographic Heart of the Golden Mean
Holographicosmic Man: The Holographic Heart of the Golden Mean is an amalgam of quantum physics, mathematics, geometry, ancient texts, current research, ancient architecture, beliefs, and myths, astronomy, anthropology, human anatomy, brain structure, shamanism, neuroscience, neuropsychology, indigenous wisdom, astrophysics, neurophysiology, holography, neuroanatomy, neurocardiology, cosmometry, cosmology, biology, and more.
PICAFLORES: The Nerve Endings of GOD
PICAFLORES: The Nerve Endings of GOD contains a treasure trove of pre-Columbian myths about hummingbirds and an in-depth collection of amazing facts and figures about these magical creatures. Although the content of the book’s formats are identical, the stunning preternatural beauty of hummingbirds can best be seen in the full color print edition, while the full color e-book edition contains active links to video listed in the printed editions, and the audiobook version has the added sounds of hummingbird hums, chirps, and buzzes.
PICAFLOR is the sequel to SPIRIT MATTERS, is an award winning memoir that won first place in the San Diego Book Awards Spiritual Book Category, and was an Award-Winning Finalist in the autobiography/memoir category of the National Best Book Awards.
DEATH: (A Love Story)
When’s the last time you had an intimate heart to heart chat with your death?
Have you ever?
Now is your chance.
The Center Of The Universe Is Right Between Your Eyes But Home Is Where The Heart Is
If you can quiet the chatter of your “monkey mind” long enough to examine your inner life with some objectivity, and pay close attention to what goes on there, you will become aware of how quickly it can change from instant to instant depending on what is happening in the moment (time) and the context (space).
n0thing is titled after Jordan (n0thing) Gilbert, a top tier international eSports champion. n0thing pushes through the boundaries of story, genre, and reality itself […]
Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook: Thirty Years of Literary Excellence
In 1983 Santa Barbara Mayor Sheila Lodge issued a proclamation making June 17th – 25th Santa Barbara Writers Conference Week because […]
Night Whispers
Matthew J. Pallamary’s popular Phantastic Fiction Workshop has been a staple of the Santa Barbara Writers Conference and the Southern California Writer’s Conference for over […]
*Award Winning Finalist in the Thriller/Adventure category of the International Book Awards* Ashley Butler, a prize winning journalist at the San Diego Times receives an […]
Eye of the Predator

Erik Simpson is a brilliant young zoologist who has no memory of his life before the age of sixteen. Trained by his aging foster father, […]

Fueled by breakthroughs in technology and neuroscience, the terminally ill, while in an induced slumber, in a pain-free, medically supervised environment, can literally dream […]
A Short Walk to the Other Side

“Bravo! More!” from Ray Bradbury for Matthew J. Pallamary’s short stories. A Short Walk to the Other Side is a second short story collection of […]
The Infinity Zone — A Transcendent Approach To Peak Performance

Award-winning author Matthew J Pallamary and sports coach Paul Mayberry Deliver Life-Transforming Book on The Infinity Zone Phenomenon of Mastering Your Energy to Master Your […]
Spirit Matters: A Memoir

Spirit touches us in every moment of our existence; only most of us are caught up in the dramas that we have created in our […]
Land Without Evil

“Water thundered. His eyes stayed closed and his fingers grew numb. His feet ached. Did his hands have the strength to grip again if he […]
The Small Dark Room of the Soul

There can be no light without darkness. The sun cannot rise without night preceding it, and the setting sun of the day must inevitably […]
Read The Hero’s Journey, the Shadow, and Energetic Bodies: An Interview with Matthew Pallamary.
Read Matt’s Theory of the Evolution of Consciousness
Read The Spiritual Dimension of Life Extension